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The Squadrons of Thurot and Elliot in Ramsey Bay

Date made: 1760

Artist: Wright

Description: Painting by Richard Wright or one of his contemporaries of the scene in Ramsey Bay after the battle between the English and French Squadrons enacted off the Manx coast on 27 February 1760.

This painting is remarkable for the level of detail which it manages to capture, not just of the damaged warships but also of the small Manx craft and its occupants in the foreground, the mollag floating in the bay, and so on. For many years the uncharacteristic flatness of the water was considered to be artistic licence but in fact contemporary accounts record that for several days, Ramsey was completely becalmed.

An eyewitness quoted in Manx Notes & Queries (1904) states: "On receipt of the news of Thurot being brought into Ramsey Bay on Thursday, last night, I went there to see the ships, etc.. at daylight. I got on board the Belleisle, and was struck with astonishment ; turn which way I would nothing but scattered limbs of dead and dying men presented themselves to my view, the decks and ship's sides could be compared to nothing but a slaughter-house; the English not having time to clear the vessel the night before, near 200 men being killed on board her, besides what the other two French ships lost."

Measurements: artwork: 61 cm x 107 cm

Materials: Oil on canvas

Object name: painting

Collection: Art Collection

ID number: 1954-7451

Subject tags : isle of man


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