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Portrait of Thomas Durie

Date made: mid 18th century

Artist: unknown artist

Description: A portrait of Thomas Durie of the Nunnery House and Durie House, Old Douglas, Merchant. born c.1728, died 1779. He wears a light blue coat and waistcoat with gold braid and buttons, and lace at the collar and cuffs. He wears a powdered wig. Durie's obvious wealth as evidenced by his attire reflects the prosperity of the Douglas merchant class at this time. The lower customs duties imposed by the Athol regime attracted trade from all over the world to Douglas, and lead ultimately to the Act of Revestment.

Measurements: overall: 76 cm x 62 cm

Materials: oil on canvas

Object name: painting

Collection: Art Collection

ID number: 1956-0403

Subject tags : Isle of Man


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