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Neolithic alpine axeheads, from the continent to Great Britain, the Isle of Man and Ireland [in Publication of the faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Between Foraging and Farming: an extended broad spectrum of papers presented to Leendert Louwe Koo]

Publication date : 2008

Author or editor: Fokkens, Harry; Coles, Bryony J.; Van Gijn, Annelou L.; Kleijne, Jos P.; Ponjee, Hedwig H.; Slappendel, Corijanne G.

Notes: In Publication of the faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Between Foraging and Farming: an extended broad spectrum of papers presented to Leendert Louwe Koo pp. 261- 281. Mentions polished Alpine Axeheads found in the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom.

Language: English

Physical description: 20 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. ; loose sheets.

Item name: journal extract

Collection: Library

ID number: M 44274

Classification: F.6/LEI


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