Die Inselrundschau, rundbrief der "Forschungsgemeinschaft Kanalinseln & Insel Man e.V"
Publication date : 1989
Author or editor: Wieneke, Michael
Notes: This edition includes information of the members of the Isle of Man workgroup (p. 44). There is five page section on the island's connections to the Mutiny on the Bounty as background to the 1989 special issue of stamps. MNH is included in the acknowledgements for illustrations. There are references to other special stamp issues for 1989 including Children at Play, and stamp marks for a range of anniversaries and events (including the Royal Visit, Manx Radio, Laxey Heritage Trust). In connection to examples of stamp marks with a racing reference, there is an article about the road races with the title (rough translation) A virus with a dreadful reputation , - the fascination endures in spite of the dangers of the Isle of Man races'. There is also an illustration of the World Wildlife Fund (as was) stamp issue, as well as five pages on the 100th anniversary of the Railway in 1973. There is the result of research by Horst- Rudiger Scholz into the earliest use of stamps and post marks on letters in the Isle of Man, from 1766. There are two examples of post marks from Rushen Internment Camp during the Second World War.
Language: German
Physical description: 90 p. : ill. ; 30 cm x 21 cm. ; bound volume .
Item name: book
Collection: Library
ID number: M 14910
Classification: B.102/INSq