1984 Manx Calendar Feaillere Ellan Vannin
Publication date : 1983
Author or editor: Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh
Notes: Bi ligual text featuring captioned photographs of Manx Scenes, photographs courtesy of the Manx Museum.
Cross Four Ways, Malew 1903; Hango Hill Farm, Malew 1900; The Weaver's house, Glen Mooar, Michael 1880; The Lhagagh Smithy, Andreas; Cottage near West Craige, Andreas; Thatched cottage at junction of Tromode Road and Bray Hill; Carmodil Cottage, Ballaugh; Squeen Mill, Ballaugh; Mary Gilrea; Carlane, Skeerey Yurby; Sophy's Cottage, Dalby; Y Friary, Balley Beg 1958.
Language: English, Manx
Physical description: p. : ill.; 30 cm.; stapled sheets
Item name: calendar
Collection: Library
ID number: M 30594
Classification: L.9
Subject tags : #GAELG