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Manx Tales

Publication date : 1895

Author or editor: Rydings, Egbert

Notes: With preface by T.E.Brown. Four stories written in Manx Dialect. 1. An Angler's holiday Among the Manx Mountains pp. 5--57; 2. How "Our Thobm and Kirree" went from Laxey to Midsummer Fair pp.58-84. 3. How our Thobm tuk wit the day after the Feer pp. 85-89 4. "Our Kiree's Story about "Herrin' an' Pas'e" pp. 90-127.

Language: English

Physical description: 127 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. ; hbk.

Item name: book

Collection: Library

ID number: M 07644

Classification: K.12/RYD


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