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Some Notable Museums IV: The Manx Museum and In Memoriam Philip Moore Callow Kermode 1855 - 1932, Curator of the Manx Museum, 1922-1932

Publication date : 1932

Author or editor: Kermode, Philip Moore Callow; Ralfe, Pilcher George

Notes: Two articles reprinted from The North Western Naturalist, Volume VII, December 1932, pp.278-288, the first by P.M.C. Kermode the obituary by P.G. Ralfe. In bound volume, The Life and Works of P.M.C. Kermode, M.A.

Language: English

Physical description: 11 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. ; hbk.

Item name: journal extract

Collection: Library

ID number: M 09105

Classification: F.6/21(1)


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