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The Works of the Right Reverend father in God Thomas Wilson, D.D. Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man Vol. 3: containing, The knowledge and practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities; or, an instruction for Indians; Short Observations for reading the historical books of the Old Testament; Private and Family Prayers, & c.; A form of consecrating churches, chapels, churchyards and places of burial

Publication date : 1784

Author or editor: Wilson, Thomas, Bishop; Cruttwell, C., Rev

Notes: Volume 3 of 8.
Also contains Short Observations for reading the historical books of the Old Testament; Private and Family Prayers, & C.; A form of consecrating churches, chapels, churchyards and places of burial.

Language: English

Physical description: 403 p.; 22 cm.; hbk.

Item name: book

Collection: Library

ID number: M 09905

Classification: E.50/4/3


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