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These Fairy Shores: Manx and English Poems

Publication date : 1962

Author or editor: Faragher, Kathleen

Notes: Index. In English and Manx dialect.
Contents: A Bit of Advice; A Lament; A New Year Prayer; After Long Years; An Easter Prayer; At the Airport; Ballaugh Shore; Blein Vie Noa; Christmas Time; Easter Lilies; Election Time; Fellowship; Going to Tynwald; In the Park; My word; On the Ayres; On the Boat; On the Market; One Christmas Eve; One Good Friday; Owl Neddy; Owl Tom; Richard Cain, OBE; Storm Winds; The Christmas Dinner; The Golden Wedding; The Good Samaritan; The Lil Wans; The North Shore; The Old Man and his Dog; The Qualtagh; The Quiet Woods; The Road through the Hills; The Silver Wedding; The South Shore; The World Refugees; To Hearts in Exile; Winter Gorse-bloom; Would yer belave it; Young Jim.

Language: eng

Physical description: 67 p.; 22 cm.; pamphlet

Item name: Pamphlet

Collection: Library

ID number: M 10649

Classification: J.8/FAR


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