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Cooinaghtyn Manninagh [Manx reminiscences]

Publication date : 1994

Author or editor: Clague, John, Dr; Clague, Juan

Notes: See also E.244/CLA for original edition

Manx Gaelic only reprinted version of Clague's Reminiscences. 1911 Bilingual versions M 07063 and M 02752. Contents of 15 chapters. 1 Ollick as y Vlein noa ; Christmas and the New Year 2 Yn Lioar-imbee ; the Calendar 3 Laa Boaldyn ; May Day 4 Tin-vaal ; Tynwald 5 Ooashley-ny-greiney as ooashley-yn-eayst ; Sun worship and moon worship 6 Yn ouyr ; the harvest 7 Shibber burt baatey ; The boat supper 8 Cliaghtyn bentyn rish poosey as baase ; Customs connected with marriage and death 9 Pishagyn as lheihys ; Charms and cures ; 10 Obbeeys ; Sorcery 11 Kiaulleeaght ; Music and Singing 12 Beaghey ; Food 13 Skeeraghyn ; Parishes 14 Brishey ushtey Purt Chiarn ; Port Erin breakwater 15 Ymmoddee reddyn ; Miscellaneous.

Language: English, Manx

Physical description: 103 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. ; pbk.

Item name: book

Collection: Library

ID number: M 16403

Classification: H.140/K/CLAq

Subject tags : #GAELG


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