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The Manx Macgonigal: the Poems, the Life and World of Thomas Shimmin, Manx poet known as Tom the Dipper: Revised edition

Publication date : 1999

Author or editor: Wright, John H.S.

Notes: Yellow cover. Contents: A life of Thomas Shimmin Manx Poet; An autobiographical poem in Manx and English; A full and particular account of the shipwreck and awful explosion which took place at Kitterland; The United thanksgiving of the widows of Port St Mary to their benefactors; The Manx Fairy; Pop goes the weasel; Lines on the happy departure of the Reverend William Corrin; The happy marriage of the Prince of Wales; The glories and beauties of Port Erin; Life and death of E.M. Gawne Esquire; The Royal Manx railway; The cottage in the heather version 1; The cottage in the heather version 2; The pride and boast of Mannin Beg; The loss of Port St Mary fishing fleet 1846; The myths surrounding Tom the Dipper; Lines on poor Shimmin.

Language: English

Physical description: p. : ill. ; 30 cm. ; comb

Item name: book

Collection: Library

ID number: M 18283

Classification: J.8/SHIq


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