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Memories: Poems by a Castletown Lady

Publication date : n.d.

Author or editor: Cooil, Amelia, Mrs

Notes: Printer: Global Print Air Limited, c.43p., ill. Contents: Daffodils; Poyll Vaaish; My first job; Peace; Mountain Beauty; Primitive Methodist Chapel; Happy days; Faith, hope and charity; Journey to the Calf of Man; Remembrance; A butterfly; Coming home; Life; The Manx girls choir; The Silverburn River; The little church in Santon; The Fairy Bridge; The old cabbage rose; Winter; Christmas; Castletown.

Language: eng

Physical description: : 210 x 145 m

Item name: Pamphlet

Collection: Library

ID number: M 20834

Classification: J.8/COO


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