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Manx proverbs. The nation's soul reflected in the nation's sayings. Caution, contentment, and kindliness. [A reproduction of an essay delivered before various societies in the Isle of Man by Philip W. Caine.]

Publication date : 21 January 1922

Author or editor: Caine, Philip W.

Notes: 'The great anonymous' ; 'The wisdom, not of one man, but of the race' ; 'Slow but sure' ; 'Not enjoyment, and not sorrow' ; 'Steadiness better than brilliance' ; 'They do things, but they like to talk about it' ; 'The quiet smile' ; 'The Manxman on marriage' ; 'Let us copy other folks' virtues and keep our own'.

Language: English

Physical description: 11 p ; 17cm ; pbk

Item name: newspaper extract

Collection: Library

ID number: M 06033

Classification: H.140/A/CAI


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