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Art in Exile in Great Britain 1933-45: Exhibition at Camden Arts Centre 20th August to 5th October 1986, [catalogue]

Publication date : 1986

Author or editor: Bohm-Duchen, Monica; Dobson, Zuleika

Notes: Features artists some of whom according to the text were interned in the Isle of Man: Bruno Ahrends 1878-1948; Alva [formerly Solomon Siegfried Allweiss 1901-1973; ; Erich A. Bischof 1899-1990; Martin Bloch 1883-1954; Hugo Dachinger 1908-1996; Hermann Fechenbach 1897-1987; Rene Graetz 1908-1974; Paul Hamann 1891-1973; Kurt Hutton [formerly Hulschmann] 1893-1960; Margarete Klopfleisch nee Grossner 1911-1982; ; Pamina Liebert-Mahrenholz 1904-?; Rolf Mahrenholz 1902-?; Ludwig Meidner 1884-1966; Peter Midgley 1921-1991; Hermann Nonnenmacher 1892-?; Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948; Fred Uhlman 1901-1985; Helmuth Weissenborn 1898-1982. Others who were interned but not necessarily on the Isle of Man are: Jack Bilbo 1907-67; Joseph Otto Flatter 1894-?; John Heartfield [formerly Helmut Herzfeld] 1891-1968; Eugen Hersch 1887-1967; Hein Heckroth 1910-1970; F.H.K. Henrion 1914-1990; Eugen Hersch 1887-1967; Arthur Korn 1891-1978; Reinhold Nagele 1884-1972; Walter Nessler 1912-2001; Albert Reuss 1889-1976; Samson Schames 1898-1967; Erich Wagner 1890-1974. For review of exhibition see M 14259.

ISBN/ISSN: 0-95055325-5

Language: English

Physical description: p. : ill. ; 17 cm. ; pbk.

Item name: catalogue

Collection: Library

ID number: M 28123

Classification: B.115/BOH


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