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Illiam as Ysbal, ny, cooish eddyr Manninagh as e ven-seyr [William and Isabella, or, a conversation between a Manxman and his wife]

Publication date : c.1891

Author or editor: Sayle, Illiam

Notes: A conversation between a Manxman and his wife in Manx and English. Translator: Kneen, William.
Bib p. 786.

Illiam as Ysbal ny Cooish Eddyr Manninagh As E Ven-Heshey liorish Illiam Sayle. Skeeyall, Anareays: A conversation between a Manxman and his wife in Manx and English, translated into English by William Kneen Town and Seamens Missionary, Douglas.

Temperance tract written in Manx by William Sayle, Kirk Andreas and translated into English by William Kneen, Town and Seamen's Missionary, Douglas.Price 1d.

Language: English, Manx

Physical description: 8 p. ; 22 cm. ; pamphlet

Item name: pamphlet

Collection: Library

ID number: M 28305

Classification: H.140/D/SAY

Subject tags : #GAELG


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