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Rutherford's German Glassblowers: [Baumbach, Otto (10.09.1882-c.1956) and Niedergesass, Felix (c.1885-1946) - former Internees on the Isle of Man in World War One and World War Two]

Publication date : 2007-2008

Author or editor: Gall, Alan

Notes: Photocopy from Mitteilungsblatt issue 82, December 2007 pp. 26-32 & issue 83, March 2008 pp. 33-37. Otto in Mooragh Camp, released 19.09.1944. Felix in Douglas Camp No.2877. A revised version of article published in B.S.S.G. Journal; Vol. 42. No. 2, pp 59-66. [1996] see M 24837.

Language: English

Physical description: 7 p. & 5 p. : ill.; 30 cm.; single sheets

Item name: journal extract

Collection: Library

ID number: M 28849

Classification: B.115/GALq


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