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Barbed-Wire Isle

Publication date : 1941

Author or editor: Magee, Mac

Notes: From Illustrated April 19, 1941: Photographs: seven images taken in and around the camps depicting: Osborne Hotel 24 Loch Promenade part of Granville Camp later HMS Valkyrie; column of internees walking along an unknown street under guard [possibly Victoria Street]; Internee column passing the Palace whilst returning from cinema visit to see George Formby film 'Spare a Copper'; column returning through a seafront camp entrance [probably Central Camp]; Guard and guard box outside promenade camp [Palace Camp as it shows the Rutland Hotel]; Onchan Camp [Port Jack Glen]; Internees playing football on Douglas beach.
Original removed from Internment scrapbook conserved 04.2008 in protective mellinex sleeves, copy retained in scrapbook as well.

Language: English

Physical description: 3 p.; 35 cm.; single sheets

Item name: journal extract

Collection: Library

ID number: M 32172

Classification: B.115/1xf


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Searching for any information about my grandfather Karl E. Vogel interned Central & Onchan camp 1940-May 1941 - Jo Lawrence Report this