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Our Orphan Homes; How Manx Children are Cared for, History of the Glencrutchery Homes

Publication date : c.1930

Author or editor: unknown author

Notes: From unknown newspaper. Article which stated that a home was started on a small scale in James Street on December 26, 1868 and the place grew in numbers and transferred to better premises. The Home is maintained by public subscriptions, donations and in 1907, Henry Bloom Noble trustees made a grant to the Children's Homes, and with this money the land was purchased on the Glencrutchery Road etc. In Charities scrapbook.

Language: English

Physical description: 2 p.; 35 cm.; cutting

Item name: newspaper extract

Collection: Library

ID number: M 33174/8

Classification: D.50/1xf(p.14-15)


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