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Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses. Excerpts from the Minutes and Proceedings of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses in Regard to taking charge of The Isle of Man Lights, 1814-1815.

Publication date : c.1870

Author or editor: Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses

Notes: 1. From introduction to Account of Building of Bell Rock Lighthouse by Robert Stevenson re Isle of Man lighthouses 2. From Report to the Commissioners January 1832 giving an account of the Constitution and Operation of the Board etc. 3. Minute of Commissioners 21.3.1815 re erection of 2 lighthouses on the IOM. 4. Resolution General Meeting 25.03.1815. 5. Report by Sir William Rae on proceedings in obtaining Act enabling the Commissioners to erect Lighthouses on the Isle of Man. In folder, lighthouses/fog signals.

Language: English

Physical description: 10 p. ; 33 cm.; pamphlet

Item name: pamphlet

Collection: Library

ID number: M 39202

Classification: B.164/SCR1f(3)


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