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Phynnodderee and other Manx Verse

Publication date : 1901

Author or editor: Brown, R. Drummond

Notes: Contents: Phynnodderee; The Fiddler and the Fairy; The Fairy Huntsmen; Manannin; The Legend of St Maughold; Peel Castle; The Mermaid and the Chowbent Chap; King Herring; Mona's Exile; Sunset, Port Erin; The Golden Pathway; Mona; Sulby River; The Gold-Seeker; The Mighty Deep; The Return; So Long as my Love Loves me; To the Rain; Phyllis; Dolly's Mouth; Ode to a Fly; I'se Agwin Ter Ramsey.

Language: English

Physical description: 95 p.; 19 cm. ; hbk.

Item name: book

Collection: Library

ID number: M 04364

Classification: J.8/BRO


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