List of Manx Antiquities
Publication date : 1930
Author or editor: Kermode, Philip Moore Callow
Notes: In bound volume, The Life and Works of P.M.C. Kermode, M.A.
Language: English
Physical description: 87 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. ; hbk.
Item name: pamphlet
Collection: Library
ID number: M 06068
Classification: F.6/21(11)
Linked Records
- Kerroogarrow Civil War Fort, Andreas
- Ballavarry Burial Mound
- Ballaradcliffe Burial Mound
- Round Ellan
- Knock y Doonee Keeill
- Knock e Dooney Ship Burial
- Keeill Woirrey
- Meayll Circle, Rushen
- The Rheast 'A'
- The Spiral Stone
- Social Cottage Burial Cairn
- The Cashtal Promontory Fort
- Cooil Roi
- Liaght ny Fawyr, Giant's Grave Burial Cairn; The Kew
- Ballacannell Urn Burial
- Ballaquirk
- Mount Rule Keeill and Burial Ground
- Ballaoates, Chapel Field
- Camlork Keeill and Burial Ground
- Purt y Candas
- Cronk Breck Keeill
- Kirby, Saddle Road
- Braddan Camp
- Castleward Fort
- Cabbal Pherick, Spooyt Vane
- Magher ny Hoarn Keeill
- Cashtal Yn Ard
- Ballacross Sandpit Flint Scatter
- Ballakelly Burial Cairn
- Keeill Chiggyrt, Keeill Casherick
- Gob ny Garvain Promontory Fort
- Rullic Keeill Vael, The Barony
- Tynwald Hill, Cronk y Keeill Abban
- Corvalley Cairn Burial Cairn
- Keeill Pharick a Dromma
- Cronk ny Merriu
- St Trinians Chapel
- Manannans Chair Roundhouse
- Crosh Mooar
- Block Eary
- Eastern Keeill, Maughold
- Keeill Vreeshey, St Bridgets Chapel
- King Orry’s Grave, Laxey, Lonan
- The Cloven Stones Burial Cairn
- Cashtal Lajer; Cronkould
- Middle Keeill, Maughold
- North Keeill, Maughold
- Sulbrick Keeill
- Lag ny Keeilley, Patrick
- Corrody Keeill
- Cleigh yn Arragh; Bow and Arrow Hedge
- Ruillic ny Quakeryn Burial Ground
- Port Grenaugh, Purt ny Ceabagh Promontory Fort
- Arragon Mooar, Claugh Vane
- Cronk Sumark Hillfort
- Ooie ny Fawr Burial Mound, Mount Karrin